MIKE HILL: Our soaring community spirit has helped make us stronger

“In times of crisis our citizens unite and draw strength from each other, and as we celebrate Christmas, we should also celebrate that.”“In times of crisis our citizens unite and draw strength from each other, and as we celebrate Christmas, we should also celebrate that.”
“In times of crisis our citizens unite and draw strength from each other, and as we celebrate Christmas, we should also celebrate that.”
Without a shadow of a doubt this week has been a tough one for the whole of the country.

As European and global borders were closed on us leaving us isolated because of the so called “new variant” of COVID spreading like wildfire in London and the South, Unicef felt it necessary to step in to help feed deprived children in the UK to the utter chagrin of the Government and, of course, the Prime Minister effectively cancelled Christmas.

But, as Health Secretary Hancock made the unusually candid admission that the virus was out of control on the Andrew Marr show, Tier 4 became a reality and lorries queued in Kent unable to access ferries, another queue gave me hope.

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And that is the queue of our older citizens that I’ve been witnessing all week; silently, patiently standing in line outside the GP Practice opposite my office waiting to be vaccinated against the virus.

The inspiration and hope they gave me was, in the face of the unknown, they are showing faith and confidence in our NHS.

Faith and hope are what Christmas is all about.

Never mind it being a tough week, it’s been a tough year for all of us.

Hartlepool has been through the peaks and troughs, but our community spirit has soared throughout the crisis; making us stronger and more considerate towards one another.

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In times of crisis our citizens unite and draw strength from each other, and as we celebrate Christmas, we should also celebrate that.

As we go into 2021, we know there will be many uncertainties for us to face but, after all we’ve weathered together as a town this year, I know we’ll rise to its challenges.

Nobody knows what the future brings but with kindness to each other and strength in our communities, we can make sure that whatever happens, we stand through it all together as one community.

I wish each and every one a very merry and special Christmas, you deserve it.

As your MP I’m proud of you all and it’s an honour and a privilege to stand with you and stand up for you in these difficult times.