Hartlepool students celebrate top A-level results

Hartlepool Sixth Form College students celebrate their results.Hartlepool Sixth Form College students celebrate their results.
Hartlepool Sixth Form College students celebrate their results.
Students at Hartlepool Sixth Form College are celebrating after achieving an impressive set of A-level results.

Students eager to find out how they had done arrived at the college, on Blakelock Road in the town, as early as 7am to pick up their results.

Many outstanding students scored the high grades they needed to secure places at top universities across the country - with one pupil even taking up a sporting scholarship in America.

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Ben Harrison with his top grades.Ben Harrison with his top grades.
Ben Harrison with his top grades.

Overall the college saw its A-level students achieve an 100% pass rate in 15 A-level subjects including psychology, history, media studies, physical education and law.

The college’s overall pass rate has also increased from last year and is 96.9%, with more than three in five students (68.3%) who achieved grades A*-C.

To reward their hard work and to encourage students to celebrate together, the sixth form hosted a breakfast celebration event as students came into collect their results.

Anna Acey, 18, from Dalton Piercy, was delighted with her top set of results which saw her secure a place at Birmingham University to study medicine.

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Chris Gregory celebrates his top grades.Chris Gregory celebrates his top grades.
Chris Gregory celebrates his top grades.

Anna, who achieved two A* grades in history and biology, and an A in chemistry, said she was pleased all of her hard work had paid off.

She said: "Medicine is something that I have thought about doing in the last couple of years so I am really pleased with my results.

"It has been a lot of hard work as I have also had to do admissions testing, but it has all paid off.

"I wasn't expecting the results I have got, I was trying to guess them yesterday, so I am delighted."

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Anna Acey will go on to study medicine at Birmingham University.Anna Acey will go on to study medicine at Birmingham University.
Anna Acey will go on to study medicine at Birmingham University.

Chris Gregory, 18, from Greatham, achieved an A* in maths, an A in further maths, and an A in physics.

He is going to study physics at Durham University.

He said: "I am really pleased. I found the work tiring towards the end with the exams, but it has all worked out in the end.

"I am keeping my options open for what I want to do after university."

Ben Harrison, 18, from Clavering, was another high achiever, scooping an A* in maths, an A in physics and an A in biology.

He is going to study physics at Newcastle university.

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Ben said: "The studying has been really fun up until the exams when the hard work really kicked in.

"I am very proud of the results and my family are over the moon.

"It is a relief to have got the grades I need."

Staff were there to congratulate the students and many family members and friends who had supported students through their last two years of study were there to celebrate the occasion.

Mark Hughes, Head of Hartlepool Sixth Form College, said: “We are extremely proud of these impressive results and I would like to thank all the staff, students and their parents andcarers as it has been a team effort.

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“We are delighted that our students have secured places on some of the most competitive courses and at Russell Group and other prestigious universities.

“We encourage our students to achieve the best they can and wish them every success in the next stage of their journey.”

Students who weren’t able to come into college results were emailed their results and college staff were available for any students who required advice and guidance in deciding their nextstep.

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