Hartlepool honours victims of war as crowds attend Remembrance Sunday service

A large crowd attended the service.A large crowd attended the service.
A large crowd attended the service.
The people of Hartlepool turned out in force to remember the victims of war today.

A large crowd attended the Remembrance Sunday service held in Victory Square.

They fell silent for two minutes at 11am to remember all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the two World Wars, and all subsequent conflicts.

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A large crowd attended the service.A large crowd attended the service.
A large crowd attended the service.

The service was conducted by the Reverend Norman Shave, of Stranton Church.

He spoke after a march from the Market Square to the war memorial in Victory Square, and afterwards, wreaths were laid by, among others, Hartlepool MP Mike Hill.

Also present were the likes of the Mayor of Hartlepool, Coun Paul Beck, the leader of Hartlepool Borough Council, Coun Christopher Akers-Belcher, Deputy Lieutenant of County Durham, Sir Ronald Norman, and Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen.

Reverend Shave told the crowd: "Let us remember the kindness of God and his favour to us in our time of need.

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There was a march from the Market Square to the war memorial in Victory Square,There was a march from the Market Square to the war memorial in Victory Square,
There was a march from the Market Square to the war memorial in Victory Square,

"Let us remember the courage, devotion to duty and the self sacrifice of the men and women in our armed forces.

"The toil, endurance and suffering of those who are not in uniform.

"The support of those who have sent us help from afar, and who came and stood by our side."

He added: "Let us remember those who were wounded in the fight. Those who perished in air raids at home. Those who fell in battle and are buried at sea or in some corner of a foreign field. And especially those whom we have known and loved, whose place is forever in our hearts.

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Those present fell silent for two minutes at 11am.Those present fell silent for two minutes at 11am.
Those present fell silent for two minutes at 11am.

"Let us remember those who were our enemies, whose homes and hearts are as bereft as ours. Whose dead lie also in a living tomb of everlasting remembrance.

"Let us remember those who came back, those whose lives still bear the scars of war. Those who lost sight or limbs or reason. Those who lost faith in God. Those who lost hope for humanity.

"Let us remember the continued grace of God, whose love holds all souls in life, and to whom none are dead, but all are alive forever.

"Lest this world forgets, we will remember."