Hartlepool brothers aim for Great North Run wheelchair world record

The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre,  Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre,  Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.
The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre, Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.
A Hartlepool team is aiming to set a world record in one of the planet's biggest half- marathons.

Jamie Allison has had confirmation from the Guinness World Record team that he can bid for a new best in the category of Fastest Half-Marathon Pushing Adult In A Wheelchair (Male).

He will try to set a new world’s best at this September’s Great North Run and will aim to do it by pushing his brother Andrew.

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The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre,  Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre,  Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.
The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre, Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.

And to make sure it is all recorded properly, two other Hartlepool runners will complete the whole course while they are video recording Jamie and Andrew.

Jamie said: “We are aiming at doing it in under 2 hours 15 minutes which we have confirmation from Guinness World Record will be allowed as a new official record and hopefully encourage other people to try and beat it.

“The aim of the record is for myself to push Andrew completely on my own. Phil Dunn and Thomas Mallinson will be running alongside me with video cameras as proof and to provide moral support.”

The team, who will be running on behalf of the Hartlepool Special Needs Support Group, is hoping businesses in the area will sponsor their efforts.

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The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre,  Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre,  Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.
The Hartlepool team which is bidding for a world record. Phil Dunn, left, Jamie Allison, back centre, Thomas Mallinson, right, and Andrew Allison, front.

Jamie, from the HSNSG Core Fundraising Group, added: “We are looking at getting a business to sponsor us to try and cover our costs. We are hoping we can get a local business willing to pledge £675 (£75 each entrance fee, £250 transport to event, and £200 personalised running kit with business logo on it).

“If anyone runs or knows of a business interested in helping us out then we would ask them to contact the office on (01429) 863766 where we would be happy to meet up with them.”

Hartlepool Special Needs Support Group is based in its own resource centre which is in Park Road in Hartlepool.

It already operates a Children’s Fun Club, youth club, The Get Together Club and has its own drama section called Constellation.

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To find out more about the club and its activities – or to back the team in its world record attempt – contact the Hartlepool Special Needs Support Group on (01429) 863766, email info@hsnsg.org.uk, or visit www.hsnsg.org.uk

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