FEELING GREAT: Take it easy golfing and don’t get carried away with swing

The most common injury is the lower back, but we have seen other golfers for treatment on elbows, wrists, hands and shoulders.The most common injury is the lower back, but we have seen other golfers for treatment on elbows, wrists, hands and shoulders.
The most common injury is the lower back, but we have seen other golfers for treatment on elbows, wrists, hands and shoulders.
Last time, I wrote about some of the injuries associated with playing golf. Now it may seem to be a low impact sport, but there’s a regular flow of golf-related injuries appearing a result of poor mechanics or overuse.

And now the fairways are reopened, we have had a number of club golfers contacting us for treatment as they get back into the game.

For many of you, there’s nothing better than a trip to Seaton Carew Whitburn, Castle Eden, or wherever you enjoy a round.

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But remember to take it easy and don’t get carried away – don't swing too fast!

The most common injury is the lower back, but we have seen other golfers for treatment on elbows, wrists, hands and shoulders.

I would advise you to follow these simple tips to stay in shape on the course.

Adjust your swing: The entire body is used in a golf swing and it is a complex and co-ordinated movement. When this movement is repeated often, stress is placed on the same muscles, tendons and joints. Over time, this can cause injury, especially if your swing mechanics are flawed.

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Understanding the mechanics behind your swing can help prevent injuries.

Use proper posture: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and rotated slightly outward, and with your knees slightly bent. Hold your spine relatively straight. Your trunk should be tilted forward, but most of that movement should come from your hips. Avoid hunching over the ball, which may lead to neck and back strain.

Stay smooth: The power comes from force transferred smoothly through all the muscle groups, from ankles to wrists. If you depend on one part of your body for your hitting power, you may be more likely to have injuries: overemphasizing your wrists during your swing can lead to golfer's elbow, a strain of the muscles on the inside of the forearm.

Don't overswing: If you swing the club too hard or too fast, you may stress your joints. Relax and take a nice, easy swing at the ball. The best golfers have consistent — not necessarily fast — swing tempos.

And remember, there's more to golf than just your swing!

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Before you practice your swing or play a round, warm up. Stretch your hands, wrists, forearms, elbows, shoulders, spine and pelvis. Swing your club a few times, gradually increasing your range of motion and swing speed.

Focus on flexibility. Regular stretching can improve your range of motion and lead to a more fluid golf swing.

For more tips and advice, get in touch for a FREE copy of my book The Healthy Habit. It is essential reading for golfers AND people aged 50+, and for anyone that would like to improve their own healthy habits. Please call 01429 866771.

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